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Node Example Application

Revision 09-FEB-2023

Download or clone a copy of our Example Tire Protection Application to get an understanding of how to integrate with the Automotive Business Solutions Tire Protection API.


You will need OpenSSH, and nodejs installed.

OpenSSH comes pre-intalled on most linux distributions, and MacOS. To use OpenSSH on Windows refer to Micorsoft's ssh feature installation instructions to install it.

yarn can be used as an optional nodejs package manager.

Either run:

npm run generateKeys

-- or --

yarn generateKeys

-- or --

Manually create your keys with the following commands

Generate a private and public key using the following commands:

Generate private and public key:

ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 256 -m pem -f tire-protection-key

Convert public key to PEM format:

ssh-keygen -f -e -m pem >

Send ABS your private key in the file to link to your partner account, and receive your partner_id and program_id.

For more information see getting started.


node install

-- or --

yarn install

Post Installation

Copy the .env.example to .env

Add the partner_id provided to you from Automotive Business Solutions to the .env PARTNER_ID=***

Add the program_id provided to you from Automotive Business Solutions to the .env PROGRAM_ID=***

Using the Application

npm run {command}

-- or --

yarn {command}

Replace {command} with an available command below.

After executing each command the console will output an example CURL request of the http request the application is making.

Available commands

createRegistration Create a registration using the partner_id, product_id you have in your .env file.

cancelRegistration Get a registration. Pass in the registration_id to get as the first argument e.g. npm run getRegistration {registration_id}

listRegistrations List all registrations associated with the partner_id

cancelRegistration Cancel a registration. Pass in the registration_id to cancel as the first argument e.g. npm run cancelRegistration {registration_id}