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This version of the API has been deprecated and is no longer supported.

The TPP API is used to send ABS registrations, cancellations, claims, and sales data.

The base URL for this API is There will be a version number, endpoint and company name added to the end of the URL for each partner so your API URL will look like

The API uses a very simple REST protocol that, once authorized, just takes a FORM POST with some authorization info in the headers and a JSON representation of the data being sent in the body of the POST.

Record Types

The API accepts four main record types, they may not all be applicable to your use case.

Some key logic to understand:

  • A Registration can only be cancelled once
  • Claims can only be submitted to a valid registration (not cancelled, not expired)
  • Claims can only be submitted to a registration if there are still tires insured on the claim

Below is a list of our standard tables and their fields. If your system can't generate each of these or if your system has key fields not listed, please contact ABS to discuss your specifics.

The Field Name listed below will be the JSON label for the application/json body of the POST to the API.

Sending Data

The body of the post will be a JSON representation of the object being passed (Registrations, Claims, Sales or Cancellations) and the fields are listed in the Record Types.

Numbers should be passed as true numbers to make validation simpler, strings will be quoted as standard JSON.

Return code will be standard HTTP status codes with more information about each post as JSON in the body

Return Codes

Status CodeNameMessage
200SuccessSuccessful POST, all records written.
206Partial ContentA post with multiple records had some written and some rejected. The body will be a JSON array of the records accepted and the the fields that caused errors.
400Bad RequestThe POST was missing required fields or all records were rejected. The body will be a JSON array of the fields that caused the error.
401UnauthorizedFailed authorization, check your Partner ID and JWT Token.

Notes on data types

Numeric Data: ABS can usually convert from string representations to appropriate numbers.

Date Time: All dates should be ISO 8601 format YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS in UTC time zone preferably or with designated offset from UTC. If your system is always synced to a specific time zone let us know and we can create a custom import based on a static time zone.

Money: Money / dollar amounts should be numeric with 2 decimal point precision or a matching string representation.

If any of data fields are required and empty or malformed, the API will return a HTTP status 400 "Bad Request". It should be easy to determine which fields are not present in the JSON data or badly formed, feel free to contact us if seemingly valid data is being rejected.


While testing and debugging you can read and write from testing tables rather than the production ones. This will keep testing data nicely segregated. All you need to do is POST to partners/{mycompany}_test rather than partners/{mycompany} the url like this: